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Writer's pictureLexi Briley

A Shifting of the Jet Streams

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

March 23, 2021 Robyn prophesied, “There will be a shifting of the jet streams. That will change the weather patterns. You're going to see things happening. It will seem like… what I've seen is there will be a couple of earthquakes, that’ll be fairly large. Probably eight point something or higher or up to nine point something or higher. That’ll end up causing a shaking of the earth to an extent which will shift the earth .001 degree off its axis. What it will do, is, it will cause a shifting of the weather patterns. It's not going to be like some big pandemic where it changes the weather patterns so much that summer is winter and winter is summer, that's not until the end of days. But, there's going to be a shifting in the streams. It's going to be warmer in the north than it usually has been and in some areas it will be cooler where it wasn't cooler.”

October 2, 2021 Business Insider posted an article titled, “The jet stream has started an unprecedented shift north, which could wreak havoc on weather in the US and Europe.”

“That would wreak havoc on weather in the northern hemisphere, bringing more extreme events like droughts and heat waves to southern Europe and the eastern US. More rain and flooding are expected in northern parts of Europe and Scandinavia, Osman said.”

God, we know that You are Lord over the storms. We pray against any drought, flood, heat wave, earthquake, or any harmful weather. We pray that the weather patterns and jet streams will remain the way You created them to be, in Jesus’ name.

In a video titled, “A Dream About What's to Come (uprooting Jezebel),” posted on March 5, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “The corruption in the adult entertainment industry is going to be exposed and there's going to be a great repentance that comes to the body of Christ and a great freedom that comes as a result of this. Because when you stop joining yourself to prostitutes… and some of these people aren't doing it out of their own will, by the way, which means you're condoning it. If you're watching things like that, that means that some of that, you're condoning human trafficking. And one very large site will be exposed and completely torn down and removed, specifically. There will be others, but this main one is gonna be removed big time. We've talked about this in previous episodes or programs, so you need to think about that, pay attention, and be aware. So when we see people stop joining themselves, they will be ashamed and disgusted, and there will be great repentance. The Lord says I will break the grip of Jezebel, even in the hearts of my people.”

June 19, 2021, Daily Citizen posted an article titled, “Huge Lawsuit Against Pornography Giant PornHub for Posting Videos of Minors and Human Trafficking Victims.”

The article went on to say, “This case isn’t about pornography or its legality, as PornHub may claim, but about how operations like this often operate almost outside the law to an extent and it’s women, and sometimes men, who pay the price.”

“The lawsuit states: “This is a case about rape, not pornography. It is a case about the rape and sexual exploitation of children. It is a case about the rape and sexual exploitation of men and women. And it is a case about each of these defendants knowingly and intentionally electing to capitalize and profit from the horrendous exploitation and abuse of tens of thousands of other human beings so they could make more than the enormous sums of money they would have otherwise made anyway.”

Lord, we come against this horrendous industry and pray that this website and every website like it, will be taken down completely. We pray for all men, women, and children that have been violated and abused through this industry. Heal them and be their comforter. Those who are addicted, I pray you break those chains off of them immediately and set them free. Amen.

To Robyn’s later half of the prophecy, Christian Post posted an article on July 7, 2021, titled, “Anti-trafficking groups celebrate closure of XTube, warn takedown of Pornhub is next.”

It went on to say, “XTube’s announced shutdown is more evidence that MindGeek’s exploitation empire is crumbling,” said NCOSE CEO Dawn Hawkins. “XTube’s closure is a clear victory for the movement to hold Pornhub, MindGeek, and the pornography industry accountable for their facilitation of sexual abuse and exploitation.”

“Hawkins went on to say that she believes “XTube’s decision to close was not made in a vacuum,” but rather it came “after mounting pressure from legislators, outrage in the media, loss of mainstream corporate support, and survivors stepping forward to demand justice through lawsuits.”

“We hope that XTube’s closing is a harbinger of things to come for MindGeek. We look forward to the day we can announce that Pornhub and additional MindGeek-owned pornography sites are ending,” added Hawkins.”

“MindGeek owns multiple porn websites, including Pornhub, which has an estimated 20 million subscribers worldwide.”

“There has been a growing outrage against Pornhub and Mindgeek over credible allegations of being culpable in sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.”

Thank You God for this victory! We pray it's one of many victories to come, as it is just the beginning!

Thank you for reading!

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Gryboski, M. (2021, July 7). Anti-trafficking groups celebrate closure of XTube, warn takedown of Pornhub is next. The Christian Post.

Raymer, B. (2021, June 19). Huge Lawsuit Against Pornography Giant PornHub for Posting Videos of Minors and Human Trafficking Victims. Daily Citizen. osting-videos-of-minors-and-human-trafficking-victims/

The jet stream has started an unprecedented shift north, which could wreak havoc on weather in the US and Europe. (2021, October 4). Business Insider. national=true&r=US&IR=T

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Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries! We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to...


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