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Writer's pictureRobyn Cunningham

An Army Emerging: Locked and Loaded

I see an army rising up, weapons of warfare in place and faces set with blinders on completely focused on Jesus and what He has asked us to do. This is an army not to be messed with and not to be taken lightly.

Satan had tactics that he used to bring division among the Body of Christ over the last two and a half years, but to his demise he has not prevailed entirely.

There is a remnant that gathered stronger than ever before. The Church was awakened and many in the Body of Christ became serious warriors, when they were sitting on the sidelines before.

The Lord says this is a CLARION CALL to REUNITE. Those that have been wayward from churches are now being called back to find their home churches again. It is TIME TO FIND YOUR PLACE IN THE WAR, and if you know anything about the military this means being submitted under authority. In the Kingdom, WE ARE ONLY AS POWERFUL AS WE ARE SUBMITTED. This is an exhortation to FIND YOUR PLACE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST to once again go back to fellowship ping closely with other believers, REUNITED.

I hear it IS TIME for the CHANGING OF THE GUARDS. I believe this not only referenced political matters, but leaders of ministries, businesses, and churches as well. The Lord has anointed and appointed those in the next generation to step up and prepare to take their places as leaders in the Body, but to do that those that are leading now will be shifting into other rolls.

I hear the Lord saying that there is a greater calling and a “shifting that has been graced” for those in current positions of leadership that He is calling to change roles. I see a generation of leaders getting to step into new things that they’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet done. The Lord has now gone before them and will begin to make the way clear for them to step into new things. He will bless and protect the land they have so diligently worked, and will bless the new things they start. For them and the upcoming leaders, IT IS A SEASON OF PROMOTION.

The lord has been raising up an army that is well equipped to meet the needs of society today. You will begin to see less people relying on welfare, government programs, and pharmakia. This is a time SMALL, LOCAL, GODLY BUSINESSES WILL HAVE FAVOR LIKE NEVER BEFORE AND will thrive! People will be drawn to them because the Lord will lead others to get their needs met at these businesses in Godly ways. If the Lord has given you a creative idea to meet needs, now is the time to launch that business.

There are many looking to change jobs this year. I strongly feel that THERE IS GRACE FOR SHIFTING CAREERS AT THIS TIME. The Lord wants to release and promote His warriors into a new level of success, blessings, and wealth and for some that means stepping into something new. I see many coming along side of each other to help each accomplish his/her childhood dreams. NOWS THE TIME. If you do not have a creative business idea, but desire one, the Lord says dive deep into Him and you will find. In the depths of love with Him HE IS RELEASING NEW WEAPONS OF WARFARE, NEW STRATEGIES TO USE WITH OLD WEAPONS, AND THE ANSWERS TO SOLVE MANY PROBLEMS. I see teenagers getting words of revelation that will give them multimillion dollar business ideas.

Several Christian’s will soon become wealthy. The wealth isn’t for a couple of people, it’s for the children of Daddy God who has deep pockets.

Big pharma is going to take a big hit. They’re going to know where the real power comes from, God! There will be justice come to big pharma for not reporting everything that was put in the vaccines exactly as it was advertised to have been, court cases will begin to rise against the vaccines due to adverse reactions… some Will not stand in court but there will be a few cases that go through and make a change and hold them accountable Big corporations that try to be in power over everyone and everything need to brace themselves… that’s not Gods kingdom and it will not be allowed to continue. THIS IS A CALL TO RECONCILE YOURSELF TO GOD’S WAYS. Several Christian’s will soon become wealthy. The wealth isn’t for a couple of people, it’s for the children of Daddy God who has deep pockets.

On another note,

The railways are going to be in the spotlight again, becoming once again a major mode of both transportation of goods, and of people for a little while. This will be necessary as ships may not be able to carry as much right now. The railway has been decreasing in jobs, but the Lord says, “watch as I open railway jobs again; despite the statistics.”

I declare the trauma of the last is BROKEN off of each and every one of us, and that we are MORE THAN equipped for the new battles that lie ahead. I look forward to celebrating in VICTORY, in more unity than the Body of Christ has EVER been in before!

Abundance in every area of life,

Brandi Cunningham

John 10:10

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Please remember me in your prayers...I am a chaplain with the U.S Air Force. Please remember me in your prayers for God Almighty to open my spiritual eye of understanding so that I will be able to understand every step that He desires for me to take as His son/servant even as I journey on this earth.

Thank you Sir/Ma'am for your prayers and love for me and others in this world.

Robyn Cunningham
Robyn Cunningham
Mar 21, 2022
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Of course


Unknown member
Mar 20, 2022

Oh, I was speaking on what you wrote in the Book , The Character Of Christ I just receive from your Ministry.


Unknown member
Mar 20, 2022

Wow, Brandi, powerful word the Lord gave you. I receive most of this for me and my family. You said a couple of things that speak to me personally. I know God is getting ready to promote me and make me wealthy. I cannot stay in the wilderness forever. Oh yea, you probably do not remember but the word you wrote to me was SPOT ON. I am so happy to be a partner with you and Robin. I hope to meet you all one day soon. I use to follow Kim Clement for over 12 year. keep up the good work you all are doing. Many blessing.

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