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God is Turning the Weeds in Your Life into MAJOR blessings!

Writer's picture: Robyn Cunningham Robyn Cunningham

I’ve been doing research on dandelions and I received this revelation:

Dandelions can grow in gardens with lots of beautiful flowers that is well tilled, or places that are full of weeds. No garden is ever really fully immune from them.

It reminds me of the virus we’ve all been fighting so hard in one way or the other.

It can effect everyone, rich or poor. It can effect those with good soil and those with rampant weeds. (We can be covered with the blood of Jesus and it still effect us by harming our loved ones, friends, freedoms, etc.)

Let us remember always that we are all susceptible to the same weeds in life and that we are not better than each other or anyone. We all have the ability to grow beautiful flowers, our weeds, and where we currently have some or not, we all battle against them from time to time.

A dandelion might be a weed, but leave it to our God to take a weed and use it for our good! He is able to transform anything that may be draining us and turn it into a blessing into our lives.

Interestingly enough, a few studies show dandelions to have positive effects on the liver, coming along side it to encourage it to work at its best. Dandelions provide nutrients for bees to pollinate, which gets us closer to having honey and be pollen, which can help restore our bodies to completely overcoming allergens.

Leave it to God to take the weeds we fight and use them for our good! he is GOOD!

We have this in common, and one might even dare to say we have this to unite us: that we all have weeds that try to rear their ugly heads, but God turns each of our weeds into not only blessings, but MAJOR blessings!

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

Philippians 2:1-2 NIV

Tonight I ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you ways to take the weeds in your life and use them for benefits, and for Him to help you know how to help others see their weeds as blessings, uniting us all through our struggles, and through our blessings!

Abundance to you and sweet rest,


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Feb 07, 2022

Dandelions are also the first flowers that honeybees and other bees feed on. I know there are “studies” that say otherwise. But if you watch and see for yourself, they do. Dandelions are strong and can push through the most tough surfaces.  Dandelions aren’t their only food source, but they are their best most beneficial food source when they bloom. They will fly right by a sugar cube to get to a dandelion. 

Robyn Cunningham
Robyn Cunningham
Feb 07, 2022
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Yes!! Love it! They can also be considered “butter herbs” talked about in the Bible and when we eat/drink dandelion teas, etc. we can remember what God has brought us and the Israelites through and that He will always bring us through all of it!!

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