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Receive and Walk in the Holy Fire of God (Holy Fire Pt. 2)

Writer's picture: Robyn Cunningham Robyn Cunningham


I had a vision I was receiving a sapphire blue ring with gold around it. This led me to research the meaning of sapphire blue.  

Sapphire blue was the only color in the Bible separating a harlot (Acting in the spirit of Jezebel) and a high priest of the Lord. It sets you apart with divine protection. This color was also the color in the Old Testament (according to the Talmud) to cover the Ark of the Covenant, so God is covering us as burning ones for Him, and allowing others to see the protection and flee if they are not of God. Why? Because blue was the color believed to ward off demons. Witches to this day do not like the color blue. Pharaohs in the ancient days always wore blue, even though they didn’t believe in our God, because it was the color known to ward off demons and witchcraft attacks. Today, we know that we are set apart from others by living a life of pure, refined love and accepting that we carry the ark of God’s covenant, His presence, Holy Spirit, within us, wherever we go. Interestingly enough, we find blue sapphire also mentioned in ___________ when it talks about being hidden under the shadow of God’s wing. When we are under God’s wing, the blue sapphire covering us represents the divine protection and covering of the Lord on our lives. If we are NOT seated under the shadow of His wings, we are most likely not covered by this and are trying to fight our battles on our own. This is not the desire of the Lords's heart.

During the upcoming season of Pentecost, we must take time to remember that to receive Holy Spirit we need to submit to His authority. Notice here I did not say we need to obey Him; I said we need to submit to Him. Submission is an interesting topic all on its own, but to explain why we are setting apart this word here, is because one can be in obedience but not in submission.

Submission is displayed in the fruit of our attitude towards what He is asking us to obey. 

I heard it said to me recently, “I know that by choosing not to seek God I am choosing not to receive the fullness of the blessings that He has for me; and I’m okay with that.” This devastated my heart. I could just see Jesus standing there waiting to love on her and develop a relationship with her and be close to His beloved, to heal her wounds and deliver her from pain, mental health disease, and torment. But, she’s right. If she wants to not seek Him then she doesn’t have to, however, it is hurting her in many more ways than she realizes. 

Our friend Eric Walker helped open our eyes to the fact that if you are not improving scientifically, you are decaying, day by day, and within a year of decay of going from knowing your identity in Him to choosing not to walk in it, for whatever the reason might be, mathematically you will only be operating in 3% of your true identity at the end of the year. So just a little after one year of walking away from the Lord, you are completely lost in your true identity and operating as someone else. This is when bipolar disease, schizophrenia, depression, and many other diseases begin to set in. You know why? 

Let’s look at Matthew 16:24-26 in the NIV for teaching’s sake. 

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (psyche) (to give up your identity) So choosing to live by, “my body; my choice,” is forfeiting their psyche, mental health, and identity, mind, soul, and body, by choosing not to follow the Lord. So, every day that we choose not to follow the Lord we are choosing to walk away from the wellbeing of body soul and mind. According to Eric, by a little over a year later, we would have completely forfeited our ‘psyche’. 

Now, back to how this ties into Pentecost 2020. What happened at Pentecost? Many lives were forever changed. They choose to pick up their crosses and follow Jesus, and submit to Him, to the point they allowed Him to speak through them. Acts 2 refers to these tongues as, “fire of God,” as we see in the Greek number 4442.  The Greek meaning goes on to describe it as, “…the fire which transforms all it touches into light and likeness with itself.” God’s Spirit, like a holy fire, enlightens, and purifies so that Believers can share more and more in His likeness. Indeed, the fire of God brings the uninterrupted privilege of being transformed which happens by experiencing faith from Him. Our lives can become true offerings to Him as we obey this imparted faith from God by His power. 

Okay, let’s break that down. “Transforms all it touches into light and likeness with Himself.” Isn’t that awesome? That God takes the time to make us like Himself, holy, pure, powerful, mighty, strong, enduring, patient, kind, loving, humble, etc.?! Can I get an amen? It also tells me that Pentecost was like an orientation if you will, before He told the disciples to go out into the world and preach all of the gospel, from Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” in Acts 1:8, He commissioned them. THEN He qualified them by giving them the tools they needed (fire branding) to go out and do what He had called them to do. However, they had to respond to the call. You’ve heard it said, God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. We see a perfect example of that here throughout the book of Acts! 

Side note time. If you are struggling with walking in your identity fully, then the revelation we have discussed leads me to believe that you are not walking in the fullness of seeking the Lord. I can say that because He says in Jeremiah 29:13 we are informed that if we seek Him with our WHOLE hearts we will find Him, and then in Acts 2 we learn that when we find Him, SUBMIT to Him and answer His call, His holy fire comes upon us to take over and purify everything. So today, no matter how spiritual we think we are if any of us is struggling walking in our full identity and authority let us come together and reason with God, to ask Him to show us where we are not fully chasing Him in our lives. If we are fully chasing Him we will break down and get delivered from bipolar disorders, physical ailments, depression, feeling isolated, lonely, or lost, or without purpose, including suicidal thoughts, and we will begin to gain our strength back to fight the good fight again, as we choose to focus on and submit to Him. 

It is time we rise as the Body of Christ and reconcile ourselves with God. In Acts 2 it states, “And the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” Let’s look at what it means to be reconciled. Dictionary. Com states reconciliation as, “The act of reconciling, as when former enemies agree to be an amicable truce.” We were all once sinners and enemies to God. Some of us are still battling parts of us that are at enmity with God, possibly such as pride, anger, resentment, the attitude in which we speak to each other, pornography, keeping a list of others’ rights and wrongs, thinking negative or harmful thoughts, having one too many glasses of alcohol, etc. Most of us have an area that causes us to stumble. Mine, for example, was choosing to be my defender instead of allowing God to be my defender. I needed desperately to fast and seek the Lord for His truth and revelation on those subjects so that my thoughts and actions about them began to align with His word. 

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