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Writer's pictureRobyn Cunningham

“Say it if it’s Worth Saving Me, from Suicide”

Most of us know this lyric to be a part of Nickelback's song, “Savin’ Me.” Even if you are not a Nickelback fan, this lyric may have resonated with you at some point. I know it did me. Later in the song, it says, “...and all I need is you. Come please, I’m calling...and oh, I scream for you. Come, please, I’m falling…” Today, I want you to know that we are here to be those that are here for you. You’re not alone, and you’re valued. You’re wanted.

Suicide, sadly, is a common topic in our society today, and a common battle of the mind most of us fight. Sometimes it is a battle that has to be fought daily. Research shows, those that have attempted suicide, or have had thoughts about it in the past are more likely to go back to it in the future. I want to stop right here and say, this cycle can be broken. This does not have to be your coping mechanism forever.

There is freedom! This can and will be overcome. You will not always battle with depression. Though it feels like it, there is always a way out. Jesus is the Way, and the Door, according to scripture, and that includes being the door and way out of depression and suicidal thoughts also.

There is much to say regarding this topic, but I want to start by saying that you are and have been set free. Freedom is yours for the taking if you will believe it. We understand fighting the good fight can be a real struggle, and the fears can seem so big and overwhelming. Don’t worry, we’re ready to help you fight the good fight until you have defeated anxiety, depression, and/or suicidal thoughts in your life. Why are we taking the time to do this? Because to us and God, your life is more precious than rubies, and you’re worth fighting for. We’re here to say it to you, to say it for you when you’re too overwhelmed to speak. Isaiah 13:12: I will make human life more precious than gold.

In this article, I want to cover a few of the strongest lies Satan tries to get into individuals’ heads to start causing them to go down the path of thinking to end their lives. I will dispel each lie with the truth, and we encourage you to take these truths and fight the lies back with them. This is in accordance with God’s word about using your sword, which is the Word, which is the truth, to fight against lies. You can find more information on how to spiritually battle in Ephesians 6.

Lie number one: I am seen as a burden and being gone would finally allow me to be a blessing instead of a burden. First, I will start by saying that sometimes, humans suck. There’s no sugar-coating it.

Devastatingly enough as it is, even leaders in the Body of Christ tell people that they are a burden to them, and if they don’t outright say it, they surely imply it. I sincerely apologize to you if a leader has ever said you are a burden or made you feel like that at any point, in any way. You are not a burden. You may be thinking, “That’s nice of you, but you don’t know me.” You know what, I may not personally know you, but I promise you are not too much for me to handle. I promise you are not too much for God to handle. God calls you His joy and His delight.

Jesus knew you were worth dying for, and if He only could have done it for you, He would have. I know what Jesus believes in is true and right, and if He believes enough in you to die for, then so do I. However, I do get it. When we’re in a state of being overwhelmed by the lies of Satan, it’s hard to receive these words as true, as we make excuses to every true word that comes up so we have a reason to dismiss the love that is being poured out on us. I get that; I do.

That is why we sincerely pray for anyone thinking about harming oneself at this time that you will have an encounter with Jesus and that the enemy is bound from preventing you to experience the great love of the Father. Depression and lies of the enemy do their very best to cause people to feel numb so that they can’t experience the love of the Father. We experience the love of the Father through our five senses, as these are how we experience human connection.

Of course, Satan would do his best to numb us to prevent us from being able to feel God’s love. Also, you know what? If he is working this hard to prevent you from feeling God’s love and attempting to take your life, you have an extremely important calling on your life, or he wouldn’t waste his time on you. This makes the opposite of the lie true, you are truly a blessing, not a burden. If you were truly a burden, you wouldn’t be a threat to Satan and his kingdom.

Are you getting even just a little mad at Satan yet for tempting you to believe the lies he throws at you? Good. You should be. Let the righteous anger fuel you and cause you to want to fight back against him with all that is within your being.

One time I was in a dark place fighting depression and my pastor looked me in the eyes and lovingly and passionately said, “Where’s my warrior?” Suddenly I realized I had lost the will to fight against it, and I was reignited to find that determination again. So today I say to you, "Where’s my warrior?" I know you’re in there. Get mad, and rise up! You can, and you will do this.

Do not forget one scripture you can use to combat this lie is Matthew 10:29-31: (NASB) “29Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

Another lie that is commonly thrown at us is the lie that we are alone and that we are not worthy of connection. For those of you that aren’t aware of this, there are demons that Satan assigns to some called demons of “isolation.” The job of these demons is to cause you to remain isolated and alone, which in turn causes one to feel lonely, of course. If you think about it, to Satan this is a good strategy because he can pick off those that are alone, but someone that is connected is not easily torn apart and separated from their support. What is the truth hidden in this?

The truth is that Jesus will never leave or forsake (abandon) you, so you are never really alone. Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

A third lie that tries to inflict itself upon some is the lie that was are never enough. Brene’ Brown puts it this way, “...never rich enough, pretty enough, smart enough, __________ enough.” You know, I have to pause for a second and say, I agree. You are not enough. You are more than enough. Enough is not an adequate term to describe you. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us this, “But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…” I could go on and on about the depth of that verse, but to keep it simple, here’s what I have to say about that.

This tells us that you are chosen. You were handpicked by God and set out from the crowds as a special person. In the dictionary special is defined as, “better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.” God has you, and He will protect you. So much more here, but I’ll let Holy Spirit minister to you more about that.

Lastly, there’s always Jeremiah 29:11 that says that God has good plans for you. I am a certified suicide responder and have been part of government training, police department training, and ministry training. The majority of the individuals I have had the honor of helping and supporting through these difficult times were perplexed with PTSD.

The PTSD also looked different for each person. However, I almost always found this to be true: most people have a complex memory that they have been unable to escape from that keeps replaying over and over causing them torment. If you are one of these people, whether you have been molested, traumatized by the Church and/or leaders, abused in any way, abandoned, fought in a war, seen murders, murdered others, attempted suicide, or whatever it may be that causes you pain, I guarantee you this. There IS freedom!

That might not sound attainable now, but rest assured, Jesus came to set all free, not just certain conditions or certain people, and He has given the tools to be able to help others through these most difficult situations. You are NOT a lost cause. You may have been lost, but you can be found. Right. Where. You’re. At.

The book of Psalms is a great place for you to start if you want to understand some in the Bible who have gone through similar struggles and thoughts. Take King David for example. Psalm 6 is King David speaking about how he has cried and cried and struggled and fought but he is tired of it. Then, before it says he hears a response from God, he says this, “8 Depart from me, all you who do iniquity, for the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. 9 The LORD has heard my supplication, The LORD receives my prayer. 10 All my enemies will be ashamed and greatly dismayed; They shall turn back, they will suddenly be ashamed.”

He knew in his heart that God is good and that God had heard his cries, without having to feel something to know that God heard him. Sometimes, you just have to believe that God is there and is for you. Something else I find interesting about these verses is that David is the one who told the demons to leave. Take note, he didn’t wait on the Lord to do it for him, he did it himself. He took authority over his atmosphere and said what could be there and what couldn’t.

I exhort you to rise up now and tell all of Satan's little friends that they have to go and flee your atmosphere now and go back to the pit where they will be read the word of God. That you’re not accepting the lies any longer and that you’re going to live life to the fullest like it says you can do in John 10:10. The devil has come to steal your peace, fulfillment, joy, rest, happiness, etc. but God came so that you would have life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows, and we pray you will not settle for less, no matter what the cost. Get out of the life of whosoever is reading this Satan. He/she has been bought with a price and you’re not the one that paid the price so go on, get out of here and don’t come back.

If this article is resonating with you, and you want help getting set free, first and foremost know that you are not alone and that Jesus is right there with you, even if you can’t see, hear, feel, smell, or taste Him. He’s there. He’s with you, and His arms are open wide ready to hold you and experience the pain you’re feeling with you. He wants you to know how to get set free, and He will never abandon you through the process.

We love you and value you here at Fireside Grace Ministries and we don’t think you’re too far gone. We don’t think you need to, “Suck it up and deal with it on your own,” and we don’t think you should be ashamed of dealing with this. IT’s real, but let me promise you one thing, our God is bigger.

Please email us at to let us know how you are doing and if you’re interested in further information about meeting up to get set free once and for all, or for more information regarding the topic. You are wanted, and you are a blessing to us and all those around you. You are worth fighting for. If you are willing, repeat out loud after me, “I AM worth fighting for.”

Bless you, all and we look forward to hearing testimonies of each person reading this that gets set free!

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