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Writer's pictureLexi Briley

The Embassy + The Middle East

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video titled, “The Miracle in Maricopa,” posted May 20, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “We're going to see that some of American assets will come under attack and I wanna say U.S. embassies? I'm not sure if it was in Jerusalem or somewhere in the Middle East, but you'll see a U.S. embassy start to evacuate American troops.”

ABC News reported on Jan 13, 2022, “The U.S. Embassy and other parts of the Green Zone in Baghdad were attacked by "terrorist groups" Thursday, according to the embassy.”

"The U.S. Embassy compound was attacked this evening by terrorist groups attempting to undermine Iraq’s security, sovereignty and international relations," the embassy said in a tweet. "We have long said that these sorts of reprehensible attacks are an assault not just on diplomatic facilities, but on the sovereignty of Iraq itself."

“This is the latest rocket or drone attack on the U.S. presence in Iraq and neighboring Syria in recent weeks, though so far none have caused any American casualties.”

Lord, we pray for the continued protection of Your people. We thank You that there were no casualties and we pray that these attacks will cease to happen any longer, in Jesus' name.

In the same video, Robyn continued to prophesy, “The Lord is going to pull troops out of the Middle East for a short period of time while number forty six (Joe Biden) is in office, only for a short period of time... Which will cause more unsettling events in the Middle East because there won't be American peacekeepers there because Joe Biden is kind of a wimp. He won't stand up for Israel. He would prefer, if he could, become partners with people in the Middle East. The problem is, this is America and we're not going to tolerate that. Just watch out. Just pray for him, pray for purity in the office and that he does his job and does it well.”

The New Arab posted an article on June 18, 2021, stating, “The United States is set to radically reduce weapons systems and troops in the Middle East, mostly in Saudi Arabia, as it refocuses its attention to potential threats from China and Russia, an official has revealed.”

The article went on to say, “The move is in line with US President Joe Biden’s plans to reduce US presence in the Middle East, which has been met with concern.”

“The United Nations is planning for a possible increase in violence in Afghanistan when US troops withdraw after two decades, the global body's refugee chief said.”

“Filippo Grandi told AFP in an interview that he understood that international military operations like the one in Afghanistan "cannot be sustained forever".”

“But, he warned, "the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and other troops as well is another indicator that violence may rise after that", he said.”

"We are making plans for it."

“The Taliban have made huge gains across Afghanistan as the United States prepares to pull out the last of its troops from the country by September after 20 years of war - even as peace talks between the Afghan government and the Islamist group have stalled.”

God, we pray for peace in the Middle East. We ask for wisdom and purity in the White House, and that Joe Biden will do his job well. We pray You keep Your people safe, in Jesus’ name.

In the same video, Robyn also prophesied, “Something I’m seeing here that we need to pray against is wildfires… I just keep hearing that over and over and over again. We need to pray against wildfires. It could be a year for massive wildfires.”

New York Times reported on June 20, 2022, “The American West is burning more quickly than it has in a decade. New Mexico has been fighting its two biggest wildfires on record for more than a month. About 3 million acres of U.S. land — almost the size of Connecticut — have already burned this year. And with summer starting tomorrow and a widespread heat wave already in place, the burning is likely to get worse.”

“The changing climate has created a troubling reality, ecologists and foresters said: Wildfire seasons have turned into wildfire years, starting earlier in the spring and sometimes lasting well into the following winter.”

“These fires have also gotten more severe. California experienced two of its largest in the past two years: The Dixie Fire in 2021 burned almost a million acres, and the August Complex fire in 2020 surpassed a million acres.”

Lord, we come against these wildfires and any harm they bring to others. We pray for the protection of Your people, animals, our food, homes, everything. We pray for those who these fires have affected. Supply them with everything they need, with the finances they need, and the healing they need, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for reading!

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ABC News. (2022, January 13). Rocket hits Green Zone, US Embassy in Iraq: “We’re still assessing the damage.” d=82247726

The New Arab. (2021, June 18). Biden to withdraw 'hundreds of troops from Middle East'

Wu, A., & Cullen, M. (2022, June 20). A Wildfire Year. The New York Times.

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Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries! We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to...


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